
Am I the only one who gets with ? I feel I learn better when I read things than just watching and listening.

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@mariaisquixotic I _HATE_ video for learning. There are only a few specialized interests of mine that make sense to me to learn from video (like 3D Printing).

The only thing that helps for me when forced to watch video is subtitles and 1.5x speed - but even then I can't stand video. It's far slower than I feel I normally learn when reading.

@mariaisquixotic hm, well, I only do it to try to find the thing I'm looking for. And I'm usually frustrated that I have to watch a video and couldn't find a helpful resource 😅 so I'm trying to get it over with as fast as possible 🤣

@mariaisquixotic I can't focus on a lot of videos unless they're sped up to like 1.25 or 1.5x speed, and I usually put subtitles on as well because I feel I understand the information better if I read it aswell

@krakenmare @mariaisquixotic came here to say this. Speeding it up keeps me dialled in.

@mariaisquixotic I run into that often looking for how-tos on the internet. It feels like too many creators decide a YT video is The Best Way to explain something, unaware that it takes a _lot_ more skill to make that crisp and efficient than just writing a damn article with screenshots.

@static True, with articles we can go back easily on procedures instead of rewinding and fast forwarding videos.

@mariaisquixotic I can relate with getting bored by videos. Usually I can learn very well with videos, when the video platform allow me to increase the speed of the video.

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