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Maria 🧿 boosted
Maria 🧿 boosted

Mastodon is great because you'll get posts from transgender software developers explaining how to destroy capitalism between 500 people going "awooo".

Maria 🧿 boosted

Holy heck. THAT WAS THE BEST AURORAL NIGHT EVER!!!!! Just got home after being out all night aurora chasing. WOw. #aurora #auroraaustralis #NewZealand

Maria 🧿 boosted

Tech industry, please hire more writers. I can happily read docs for 3h and get much more out of them than watching a video for 3h. And while I'm watching the video, I'm making copious notes so that I don't have to watch the video *again* later to refresh my memory. If it was written down in the first place with good indexing I wouldn't have to do that. Video is such a crap way to document things.

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I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I get the idea in my mind, and it's correct but when I try to write it down, it's blah.

Sadly, it's affecting my work.

Maria 🧿 boosted

I am exhausted. My brain seems to get the right ideas but when it comes to execution, I can't do it well. Is this the curse or gift?

It's driving me crazy and at the same time. Idk what's wrong but I'm just scared of losing my job because of this. Is it or what?


Started a blog post about and . So far, I'm writing a lot and feel like I have so much to share.

Maria 🧿 boosted

Twitter policy, Twitter CEO bad idea 

Don’t fall for this. There’s no way this would be offered if a significant number people had any chance of getting more back than they pay in. It’s just another way to prey on people

Support your favourite content creators so they don’t feel like they have to do this

Maria 🧿 boosted

Billionaires should not set climate policy.
Billionaires should not set water policy.
Billionaires should not be setting any policy.
Billionaires should not be platformed to give opinion on crises & injustices they helped create & have financial stakes in monopolizing policies on.
Billionaires should not exist.

Maria 🧿 boosted

I slept most of the days away and now I'm having a . I don't know if this is a or from sleeping a lot.

Thanks for helping me sleep, btw.

Sometimes, I just want to tell my psych that I want to be off my meds all because of the or lack of refills due to the .

But, it's so hard to sleep so maybe I'll ask my psych to retain .

Maria 🧿 boosted

hello mastodon
I try to find a replacement for twitter, so let's see how it goes here!

here's a drawing I made last year
#undertale #DigitalArt

Maria 🧿 boosted

Maaan mastodon is much nicer that twitter so far.
It’s like a public library full of plants with a little door that opens out to a deck where you can drink coffee and read books in the sunshine, and all your freinds are here.

Twitter is like a nightclub at 3am.

Maria 🧿 boosted

"we pay location based salaries, to adjust for cost of living"

so, you pay disabled people more? "no" what about single parents? "also no" what about people who've paid off their mortgage, they get less, right? "as if"

ok, so you adjust the cost of living adjustments, right? "maybe we will. if it goes down"

"we just worked out the lowest we can pay people in any area and remain competitive"

it just feels more like location specific wage theft

Different drugstores are running out of here in the Philippines. It's so disappointing.

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Learning Disability Social

An inclusive community for people with an interest in learning disabilities (intellectual disability). Hosted by Photosymbols in the UK.