Wondering where we'll be this week? Say no more!
All our drop-ins this week are on Wednesday 20/03.
9-11 Somerford Family Hub
9:30-11:30 Rossmore Family Hub
12:00-13:15 Student Drop in at North Rd, Bournemouth and Poole College.
Full details on our Events page:
We're really pleased that Robyn has been named a Young Community Change Champion in a recent BCP Award ceremony. Well don Robyn!
Please join us in congratulating her, as well as all the other worthy nominees. Read more about Robyn and her award, in our latest news post:
This week we have 3 events:
Tuesday - Boscombe Family Hub drop-in 12-2pm
Wednesday - Making a Parental Request Workshop(Online) 09:30-10:00am
Wednesday - Parent Carer & Child Contributions Workshop(Online) 10:30-11:15am
Full details on our website: https://sendiass4bcp.org/events/
We're trialling better, more condensed, initial information. Read more about it in our latest News post: https://sendiass4bcp.org/2024/03/08/better-initial-information/
We've 2 events on this week; a drop-in for students at Lansdown campus of B&P College, and the monthly Parent Carer drop-in at Somerford Arc. Find the details on our events page: https://sendiass4bcp.org/events/
We're really pleased with our new animated leaflet, that briefly explains who we are, and what our role is. At only 1 minutes and 19 seconds long, its a great "at-a-glance", that lets you know how we can help. https://youtu.be/vEw6VygHvRc?si=popOClFajDHP-Em_
Considering appealing the decision made, following your phase transition review?
Take a look at our latest post:
We have many amazing Parent Champions that volunteer their time. They are based at schools, and can offer information and signposting. If you need support, it is easy to check if your school has a Parent Champion: https://sendiass4bcp.org/about-us/parent-champions/
Thank you to those who took part in our Ways of Working survey, which has no closed. We're looking to see what we can implement to reflect the responses we received, and hopefully you will continue to see improvements in our service. You can always ask us for support of course, and our YouTube and website are always available to you.
What's on in March? Take a look at our latest post, and come to one of our drop-ins with your questions:
A sunny start to half-term! (Lets not mention the forecast for the rest of the week, urgh!) At least on Wednesday we have a Children and Young People's drop-in with Gill & Kate, at West Howe Family Hub. That's between 10-12, with more details on our website Events page: https://sendiass4bcp.org/event/children-and-young-peoples-drop-in-with-gill-kate-at-kinson-west-howe-family-hub/
Following on from our previous post about courses, we've been made aware of others that may not be of use. While not SEND focused, they maybe of use by families under stress - and are all free. More details via the following link:
Reminder for tomorrow afternoon, Gill will be available for young people to ask for information, advice, and support, at the Poole North Rd campus of BPC, between 12:00-13:15. Drop-in with your questions! Details and calendar link, here: https://sendiass4bcp.org/event/drop-in-for-students-at-bp-college-poole-4/
SENDiass4BCP are looking to recruit a new Steering Group! We would like to see children, young people, parent/carers, as well as supporting professionals from health, social care, and education, all get involved to challenge us to meet our Minimum Standards.
Take a look at our latest post for more information, and details of how to get involved - and please share with anyone you think might be interested
Signposting to other services is something that we often do for things that are outside of our expertise, or for things we can't do. We've had quite a bit of feedback recently asking for those services that we can't provide - read our latest post that helps you find at least some of those. https://sendiass4bcp.org/2024/02/01/signposting-to-other-services/
New Webinars! If you prefer to watch and hear information, we have a new webinar on Appeals and Tribunals, as well as a new webinar on Checking an EHCP. They are viewable on our website, or on our YouTube channel - check them out via the following link: https://sendiass4bcp.org/2024/01/26/new-webinars/
What's on in February? Take a look at our monthly round-up of where our Officer's will be available to children & young people, students, parents, and carers, over the coming month. Click on the following link for our latest post:
What is the Safety Valve? We don't have all the answers, but we have some information and following links - take a look at our latest News post: https://sendiass4bcp.org/2024/01/24/what-is-the-safety-valve/
A quick reminder - we'll be at Somerford Family Hub on Wednesday the 24th, between 9:00 and 11:00. Come along with your questions, no booking needed. Full details:
We're really pleased with the result of the feedback you have given us over 2022/2023. Take a look at our latest News post to see what it says - https://sendiass4bcp.org/2024/01/22/how-we-did-according-to-you/
SENDiass4BCP is an impartial, confidential, arm's-length service for children and young people (up to the age of 25) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their parents/carers.
We provide information, advice, and support with relation to education, social, and healthcare matters.
Our service supports families living in Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole.
We can't provide advice over Mastodon, but will toot occasional useful information.