What is this bright light in the sky? Spring-like sunshine coming through the window? 🌞It must be time to find out What's on in March!
What is the Disability Access Fund? Is your childcare provider eligible to receive it, but don't know that? Follow the link to more information and signposting:
Quick reminder, that coming up on Wednesday, you can chat with our Sarah at Christchurch Family Hub. She'll be there between 9-11 on the 26/02.
Event details:
As we wave goodbye to Winter, & say hi to Spring, we wanted to share some info about our helpline.
You may get our voicemail because we are already on the phone. Please leave a message. We'll ring back as soon as we can. It would help us greatly if you leave your name, phone number, email address, & reasons for calling.
To reassure you - it can take up to 10 working days for us to respond, but we listen and respond to, every voicemail that you leave (except pocket-dials!).
Just a quick reminder that our phoneline is closed over the half-term hols. Our webinars are still available to watch, you can still book onto our workshops, and our website info is always available.
If you need to call someone, speak to Contact, the charity for families with disabled children.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLzmZYKx8HsL8ANPO2qfpgQ
Workshops: https://sendiass4bcp.org/events/
Web: https://sendiass4bcp.org/
More BCP Council Locality Events are coming up. Your opportunity to speak with the Local Authority SEND staff, if you are parents, carers, or young people, who receive support for SEND. Follow the links to register, and get your questions ready!
11th March 6-9pm The Spire, Poole https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bcp-locality-event-tickets-1223277990399?aff=oddtdtcreator
18th March TBC https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-bcp-locality-event-tickets-1223281952249?aff=oddtdtcreator
26th March 12-2.30 The Grange School Christchurch https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bcp-locality-event-tickets-1223277990399?aff=oddtdtcreator
Phase Transition usually involve changing school, and can be a stressful time. With a deadline coming up for the Local Authority, here is a quick refresher on what they are, what the deadlines are, and what to do about them.
Our phones are closed over the half-term holiday next week, but follow the link to see how you can still access support. Phones reopen on the 24/02.
Preparing for Adulthood with an EHCP? We've a new webinar ready to help you - click the following link to watch it:
Morning! Just the one drop-in this week - our Sarah is at Somerford ARC's monthly community drop-in tomorrow, Wednesday the 6th, between 09:30 and 11:30. Pop along to Southey Road with your questions!
What's on in February? It might not be sunshine and heatwaves, but we've a summery welcome at our workshops and drop-ins! To find out where we are and when they are, click on this: https://sendiass4bcp.org/2025/01/29/whats-on-in-february-2/
No events this week - more in the next couple of weeks. In the meantime, why not take a look at our webinars? Getting suitable SEN Support for a child can head off future issues - our webinar on the subject can help you see what your school's duties and responsibilities are to support your child: https://youtu.be/UYb4EQDspCs?si=pWak_Ox6J9ZfVnYN
BCP Council Locality Events - An opportunity for parents and young people who receive support for SEND to meet and ask questions of Local Authority SEND staff. Book to attend the next of their events: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/send-locality-event-tickets-1203281710989?aff=oddtdtcreator
Drop-in time! We've 2 this week - come along to Christchurch Family Hub, 9-11, or rock over to Rossmore Family Hub, 9:30-11:30, both on Wednesday the 22nd of January. Bring your questions, as we're bringing answers!
If you can't make those times, take a look at our events to see what else is on!
While we don't have any events this week(2 drop-ins next week though!), BCP Council do have an event to meet the SEND and Inclusion team. Their next event is 21/01/25, 10-12:30, at Kinson Community Hub - more details, and to book: https://sendiass4bcp.org/2025/01/13/bcp-council-send-locality-events/
SENDiass4BCP is an impartial, confidential, arm's-length service for children and young people (up to the age of 25) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their parents/carers.
We provide information, advice, and support with relation to education, social, and healthcare matters.
Our service supports families living in Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole.
We can't provide advice over Mastodon, but will toot occasional useful information.