I had an account on codementor.io
Now i've logged back into it (apparently after 10 years?!) and I can't actually get to any mentor's page without first filling out my profile to BE a mentor which i wasn't really planning on right now.
Although. If someone paid me even $5 I'd still be infinitely farther ahead of what VT's unemployment has paid me so far. So, 🤔 maybe I should.
Filling it out just for the hell of it now...
I get this, but it's also kinda depressing. You want to hire someone for quality mentorship but on average folks aren't willing to pay them even $50 an hour?!
Sure, fine in developing countries that may be great $ but in the US?! For an experienced mentor?
W.T.F. ?!
Devs. You earn good money. If you're hiring a mentor, you are hiring someone because they know even more than you. Thus their time is _more_ valuable. Pay what that's worth.
And yes, I get that there are poor devs out there & folks learning to become devs. Also devs in developing countries. Accommodations can be made for that, but the default rate you pay should be AT LEAST what you get per-hour. Probably more, because you're looking for specialty advice and asking someone to help you save time.
@masukomi How about dev who are not getting paid, but are doing it for fun?
@adhdcanadian I think that most of the folks who'd be willing to mentor would also be willing to help out those devs at either a cheaper rate or free.
With caveats re schedule & such I'd be especially willing to help out folks learning to code to get a new job. free or cheap.
But i think that kinda gets back to "pay at least what you earn" rule of thumb. Although that gets harder if you earn $14/hr at McDonalds and work 2 jobs just to stay afloat. ;)
@adhdcanadian context is important though. if you're going onto a site and hiring a stranger for their XP it's a different kind of relationship. It's not a friend / social help kinda thing.
But, if for example (& i don't know your skills) you reached out to me and said "hey, i'm just a beginner learning and can't afford $$$ per hr, would you be willing to help advise on something?" I'd probably say yes (assuming it was something i could actually advise on).