Does anyone know what is the best #taskmanagement app for #adhd?
@adhdcanadian I’m learning, from the ADHD Adults podcast that whatever we choose will only work for a while and so it does my really matter which you try.
The same applies to medication, scaffolding and strategies. They’ll all work for a time but the nature of our brain is such that none will work forever.
Pick one and have a go. I currently alternate between Reminders and putting tasks as blocks of time in my calendar.
@adhdcanadian this week or next week?
@holly Doesn't matter. I am just looking for an app.
@adhdcanadian I suspect that is going to be different for many of us. Unfortunately I’ve also found personally that which is “best” for me varies depending on the day sometimes. I have a couple different task scheduling strategies that work well on some days but not on others.
I haven’t yet found one single tool like a Todoist, OmniFocus, etc. that is flexible enough to work for different approaches but also don’t want to manage keeping what is essentially the same data in multiple places manually.
I’ve thought about building a tool like this but haven’t managed to find enough sustained time and interest to get very far with it.