Launching our NEW Website!
We've been working hard behind the scenes to produce our new revamped website! We have listened to your feedback and we will be launching it live on Monday 5th December 2022!
Along with a website that is more user friendly, appealing and interactive, you will also be able to book online onto our new workshops! These will be on offer on a monthly basis, both online and in-person, so you can choose which best suits you.


Whilst we find our feet, we will be beginning with our workshops on Making a Parental Request and Parent Carer and Child Contributions. Find out more when our website is released!
We would welcome any feedback you may have on the new site and a link to provide feedback will be made available. We already have further developments planned in the background but we'd love to hear what you think!

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Learning Disability Social

An inclusive community for people with an interest in learning disabilities (intellectual disability). Hosted by Photosymbols in the UK.