An update on managing demands on our service, and on the way we support parent/ carers, children, & young people, from Victoria Hunt - SENDiass4BCP Manager

“We want to make sure that information and advice is provided in a timely way and that you are able to get what you need, when you need it. This is especially important as currently requests for support from SENDiass4BCP, have been increasing at a pace.


Our new website ( a wealth of information and advice on a wide range of SEND issues, and includes webinars & opportunities for booking workshops.

Starting this week(13/03), when you email us for help, you will receive an auto reply with links to information and advice on our website, so you can just click to find what you need. We hope this will be helpful.

You may receive a follow up email from one of our Advisors, if we can see you may need more tailored

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information & advice.
For more complex information and advice, we will also provide one-off phone appointments with a SENDiass Officer. Where direct ongoing support is necessary, we will still be allocating an Officer.

As always, we welcome your feedback on how SENDiass4BCP works for you, so please do let us know via this feedback link - it will take you to a form on a new page

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