The NEW easy access pathway to speech and language therapy for children who have not started school, will commence from the 17 April 2023.
You will be able to bring your child along to one of the regular NHS:
Speech Therapy Early Advice Drop In’s
The Drop-In session is a pre-bookable session for parents/carers who have concerns about their child’s speech, language and/or communication development. You will have the opportunity to discuss your concerns with a Speech and Language Therapist.


If you feel your child may struggle being in a group with other children, or become distressed in new or unfamiliar places then they offer a virtual session instead.
To reserve a time slot to see them, first visit their website
and choose one of the sessions listed.
Next, call the number below to reserve your slot
01202 443200
Lines are open between 10am & 2pm Monday to Friday

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Families will only be seen in an arranged time slot
The adult coming to the session must have parental responsibility and the child must be registered with a Dorset GP
For further information please contact
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