I've read your recent blogs about #AI with great interest, @katharinebeals, and thought you might be interested in this article by @BronwynHemsley Emma Power and Fiona Given in @theconversationau theconversation.com/will-ai-te

"If you’re one of the 1.2 million Australians with communication disability or among the 44% of Australian adults with low literacy, you may soon find helpful, automated communication assistance online."



@CarolineBowen @BronwynHemsley @theconversationau My take is that AI is much better at generating text than at processing it--b/c different "skills" are involved. AI text generation can rely on statistics & pattern recognition. Text processing (summarizing, simplifying, copy-editing-- all of which are actually useful!), requires skills more akin to comprehension (word & sentence level semantics, sensory experience), & AI seems nowhere near able to scale what some call the "barrier of meaning."

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