I've read your recent blogs about #AI with great interest, @katharinebeals, and thought you might be interested in this article by @BronwynHemsley Emma Power and Fiona Given in @theconversationau theconversation.com/will-ai-te

"If you’re one of the 1.2 million Australians with communication disability or among the 44% of Australian adults with low literacy, you may soon find helpful, automated communication assistance online."



@BronwynHemsley @CarolineBowen @theconversationau Yes--my prediction is that it will make FC harder to predict, because it will enhance the word prediction that already helps guide some FCers on their devices. This, of course, could also help with legitimate assistive devices.

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@katharinebeals @CarolineBowen @theconversationau this entire post was written with the first letter only… (except for ‘only’ which took two) first hit all I need is the first letter

@katharinebeals @CarolineBowen things that are in your life and you can be happy with (I did not use any letters at all only predicted words)

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