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Hello, I’m new here from Twitter, posting mainly about my work with @dsscotland and life with Matilda, my daughter with Ds

I'll do my best to keep welcoming new members while we are still a small community, so here goes...

A warm welcome to @Colin @Katy @joelhuebner @jarsonmar @CosmicKarmic @mariaisquixotic @kwilsayf @sanandros @Stevenraison @SENDiass4BCP @iamjessplant @Leigh50 @imingirene @brittnee @Beidesnichtdasgelbevomei @timogrampes @katharinebeals @Leni42 @Neurodivergent_Gen_Xer

Apologies if I missed anyone you are all very welcome to this inclusive community 👋

I'm a social scientist, working on social and health inequalities, #participatoryresearch and #socialjustice stuff. Generally will be sharing work related things 🙂 #followbackfriday

Thanks to everyone writing descriptions (alt text) for your images!

Those of you who are're making me sad. Please start. Even a super quick basic description of what's in the image is better than nothing

Lots of new members today - some of you I know already. A warm welcome to @Cloud @touretteshero (I've followed you on Instagram for years) @InclusiveCommunicationEssex (who we've worked with a few times) @zmilan @EddiesChefin (I have a rough collie too) @JenZ @nelson @CarlosEye @stellawaterhouse @squirr3lle @BreeZaps - Apologies if I missed anyone it's good to have you all here 👋

About our recent meet-up with the projects from around UK and Ireland. Talking about volunteer engagement, cost of living and showing our impact.
It was a wonderful day of ideas and connection

Jordyn Zimmerman, in case you don’t know her, is a non-speaking Autist and a powerful advocate for the right to communicate (something she herself was denied until she was 18)

If you have a chance to see it, do watch the documentary ‘This is not about me’

#AllAutistics deserve access to be heard, whether in speech or using #AAC

It’s so important to #ListenToNonSpeakers

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Hello, so I guess I'll start with an #introduction

I'm a crowdfunded #OpenJustice journalist, mostly reporting from coroners courts.

I tend to focus on the premature and preventable deaths of learning disabled and #autistic people.

I also work with universities, researchers and health and social care orgs to get #research into practice

I rage a lot, and find witnessing/sharing helps. I also waffle on about non work stuff, a fair bit

BBC film about my work here

Since I don't believe there is a #DisabledInSTEM account here, I am going to encourage anyone who is #disabled and a #scientist to consider participating either as a Mentee or a Mentor. The application period is now open. Mentors can either be disabled themselves or allies!

Thanks for joining @Alladosky @Caplini @cvargas @w88you34a and @GeorgeJulian and welcome to this growing community 👋

Good morning and welcome to @autismstims - thanks for joining the community 👋

Thanks for joining the community @heavyload and @stayuplate 👋 it's great to have you here.

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Learning Disability Social

An inclusive community for people with an interest in learning disabilities (intellectual disability). Hosted by Photosymbols in the UK.